Our Story

We are a New Zealand company and our craft activities are all about challenging kids to create, discover and play.

The Make Company started 10 years ago out of a creative spirit and a longing to share that with the community. We love inspiring children with creativity and fun by giving them the practical tools that allow them to take their imaginations and skills to new levels of fun! 

We started our journey as an online fabric businesss before moving in to retail premises where we ran kids and adults craft workshops, before we expanded our online sales to include our craft box subscriptions.

Having outgrown that space, we have recently moved into a new premise on Blenheim Road where we continue to expand our online presence, and are focusing out  creative energies on further expanding our holiday programme events and shopping mall activations, as well as our craft box subscription programme.

We are excited about the future, and growing kids imaginations through craft and sensory play.

Kirsty & Justin