Using Watercolours

Learn the basics of using watercolours!

Watercolours are a great medium to use with children and there are so many basic techniques they will have fun learning about !

For this project you will need:

  • Basic Watercolour set
  • Brush
  • Water
  • Watercolour paper or at least 120gsm cardstock
  • How to Draw a whale template

Watch the video below or follow the simple steps below!

Steps to Create your first watercolour art!

1. Using a waterproof fine tip pen, draw a shape or a whale like we did. You can use a pencil first and rub it out later if this helps

2. Leave the pen to dry for a few minutes , then with a clean brush add some water inside it

3. Now add some water to your paint. Watercolour has its name for a reason! Don’t be shy with the water, add lots of it to make a good colour. Mix the water into your paint cirlce or use your brush to take some out to the side and add more colour in as you go.

4. Now add drops of paint to your wet paper and watch the colour run

5. Add a complimentary or contrasting colour to it and watch the colours blend.

6. If you feel you have added too much or you don’t like the colour mix, don’t worry! Use some paper towel and mop up the water. Then start again!

7. Be patient! Leave the water paint to dry now completely and see what it looks like! If you want to you can now add more!

8. Once it is completley dry you can rub out your pencil marks if you left any

9. Don’t be worried if the paint goes outside your line, watercolours look amazing when this happens. The idea being you can’t tell if you added the pen first or last!

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